Images by Ali

N.A.B.D. Ali fulfils a DREAM!


Since she was ten years old Ali has wanted to ride on a motorbike, and thanks to the N.A.B.D, Ali this year was able to fulfil her dream.

Ali's mum and I had always been afraid to let Ali ride on a motorbike. Because of her disabilities, she would not have the stability to ride pillion.

A few weeks ago, friends Steve and Nicky, invited us along to the Calne bike festival where we met the guys from National Association for Bikers with a Disability. Arf, (now Ali's Hero) without a second thought offered to take Ali on his trike, and a couple of days later phoned and invited Ali along to a local hostelry where bikers meet up to swap stories and meet their friends. What a brilliant time Ali had. Not only did Arf take her on her trip of a lifetime, he also arranged for around twenty or so of his friends to ride along with them, so a whole cavalcade of riders escorted her along the road.

Ali is now a full member of N.A.B.D. and guess what?

Ali wants me to sell the car and buy a trike.


Ali on the run.                                                                   Image by Nicky.



                        Mum and Ali are strapped in               Image by Laura                           The Guys                                              Image by Ali


On the road                                                           Image by Tom



                      Ali with Arf and Pete from N.A.B.D.             Image by Tom                Ali's Hero                                                    Image by Tom.


Ali the biker wearing her Island Biker colours.

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